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Media Library


Library for Adoptees

Become a site member and gain access to the members only area. Site membership is free, you just need to sign up. Once signed up access to the private pages most likely will not be immediate, your request for membership will be submitted which then has to be manually accepted. Below, each block/caption represents a members only page with the exception to the Gaspee Room, a chat room exclusive to adoptees. 

Adoptees can find a variety literature ranging from memoirs by adoptees to literature more focused on the psycho-social aspects of being an adoptee.

Videos, Film clips, and Documenaries all by

adoptees from around the nation. 

RIARG chat board, we havent reinvented the wheel, it's a traditional chat board similar to facebook...I think. ;) 

The Gaspee Room is a video chat room exclusively for adoptees to chat LIVE with other adoptees through either text (typing) or video chat. The Gaspee Room is, however, dedicated to the RI legislative advocates who assisted with breaking the shroud of politics that endured for many generations prohibiting adoptees from accessing their original birth certificates.  Governor James Howard McGrath sealed RI adoptees original birth certificates by way of Executive Order in 1944. 


Throughout the 1980's and '90's a stronghold of Senators who were adoptive parents thwarted any constituent attempt to eradicate Governor McGrath's Order when they legislatively tightened the noose by expanding the lawful grip prohibiting any type of access to original birth certificates by adoptees. 


During the three year era of 2009-2011 advocates worked tenaciously to crack the political stone wall to bring the necessary change to allow RI adoptees to access their original birth certificates. The Bill became official Law July 1, 2011 and took effect July 2, 2012. 

RIARG Chat Board   

Please enjoy a preview of the membership pages

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