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Search..Discovery..Oh My!

RIARG's true goal is to be one of the region's most complete support groups to offer adoptees a full range of resources. Like the Yellow Pages slogan, "If it's out there, it's in here." The resources that are around the nation are so sporadic and perspective based it's extremely challenging to figure out what information and resources are credible. A small handful of adoptees in RIARG have a tremendous pulse on the national adoptee circuit, so if we trust it, we'll bring it right here under the RIARG umbrella. 


Below, you will find RIARG's cornerstone resources which includes an adoptee network to exchange experiences, gain insight, support, receive assistance with search and discovery, and legislative reform. Additional resources found around the website include news regarding adoptees from around the nation, local events, and information ranging from hot current topics to Cliff Claven fun nonsense. 

Support in our terms is the opportunity to connect and network with other adoptees to share our personal experience and compare notes of our adoption journey. Technically speaking, RIARG is a support group, hoever, we offer so much more as you can see while you're getting to know this web site. As we like to view it, the term "support" is more of an opportunity to connect to tell our story and share our adoptee experince.  

Above all, searching is all about the adoptee, exclusively for the adoptee. And that's right where it should be. 


That said, searching has many layers and phases and, therefore, is probably the most dynamic aspect of the journey of being adopted. However, the most important aspect of the search process is making the decision to actively search. Then the search process begins and it's time to figure out where and how to begin. Questions:

  • What type of information do I have to assist the search process?

    • Do I have non-identifying information from the adoption agency?

    • Do I have my Original Birth Certificate (OBC)?

  • I don't even know what the above info means, never mind, "do I have it?"

  • How would I obtain the above information? 

  • Search independently or enlist an experienced searcher?

  • Am I out in the open about searching or do I stay off the radar?

RIARG is not a self-contained group completely independent on itself. In other words, we're not living in a bubble. Our attitude is, if it's out there and in our neighborhood we'll do our best to either bring it here or at least let you know an event is around town.

In the past RIARG members have attended:


RIARG will continue to bring functions such as this to the area and perhaps with enough support we'll try to invent some of our own. All local adoptees are welcomed to be a part of RIARG and events such as the above. Don't hesitate to join! 

As we see it, the current law is a tremendous start, however, we haven't crossed the finish line in terms of equality for RI adoptees. Some needed changes include:

  • Reducing the age in which an adoptee may obtain their OBC;

  • Removing moot language within the law subsequent to the new law;

  • Make OBCs more accessible for family members of deceased adoptees (at this moment only the adoptees has access). 

Local & National Events
Legislative Reform

RIARG Resources 

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